Home improvement projects are a necessity if you want to keep your property looking good and maintain its market value. After a certain time, there is a need to bring some change of pace in your life. Renovating your home can make it look fresh and clean again. The biggest issue that comes with home renovation is of course, the budget. A lot of homeowners do not bother to get their home renovated because they do not have that kind of budget. Well, at Huntsville Custom Homes, we beg to differ.
You do not need to spend a fortune on the renovation of your home in order to get effective results. Follow these tips, which the experts at Huntsville Custom Homes have put together for you, and renovate your home on a budget that can potentially save you thousands of your hard-earned dollars.
1. Increase Your Kitchen’s Efficiency, Not Size
When it comes to the kitchen, Huntsville Custom Homes has often encountered customers who want to expand it. While we’re more than happy to help you out with that, we have something better to suggest: Why not increase the efficiency of the existing kitchen instead of increasing its size?
Reorganizing your kitchen for maximum utility is a good way to renovate your home on a budget. You might not have to take down the whole walls at your home. You can start off by replacing the space consuming shelves with cabinet height drawers. They will provide plenty of space for storing canned food and other necessities.
2. You Don’t Need More Windows For Natural Light
When you think of natural light, your thoughts immediately shift towards adding another window. Before cutting a new hole on the side of your home, Huntsville Custom Homes begs you to stop and think again. There are more effective and less expensive ways of getting natural light into your home.
One of the home remodeling tips to renovate your home on a budget is to go for light tubes instead of new windows. We can install a light tube for you so you can brighten up a windowless hall in your home without a problem. It slips in between the roof rafters and you are going to get bright sunlight funneled into your home in the living space.
Getting a new window is effective but too expensive to get more natural light.
3. Consider Long-Term Costs Instead of Short-Term Gains
One mistake that we at Huntsville Custom Homes have seen is that homeowners think about short-term gains with their home renovation projects instead of the long-term costs. If you really want to renovate your home on a budget, look at the bigger picture.
For instance, if you opt for clapboard siding instead of a cheaper material, you will need to pay around 10 to 20 cents more per foot. Considering the renovation of the whole exterior, it can make a huge comparative difference in cost. In the long run however, this will save you a lot more money.
You see, saving that money right now to get a more economical alternative is only a short-term gain. The amount of money you will pay for repainting the cheaper material over the years will surpass the cost of proper clapboard siding. A well-maintained clapboard can last a lot longer than your average vinyl siding.
Final Thoughts
At Huntsville Custom Homes, we believe that you can easily renovate your home on a shoestring budget. Renovation does not necessarily mean clearing out your savings. A successful renovation job is one that revitalizes your home; not one that can potentially bankrupt you.
For more information, feel free to contact us at any time. We’d be more than happy to address any concerns you have
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