custom garageWhen you go out of your way to hire Huntsville custom home builders or remodelers to give you your custom home, you want it all. You want to walk into that home and know that it is absolutely perfect. The kitchen needs to match how you use it. The bathrooms need to feel grandiose and give you a spa-like experience. Every nook and cranny of that house needs to be perfect. However, more often than not, people overlook one important part of the house during the build or remodel – the garage. You use it daily in most cases, so why not set it up to be perfect, too?

What Can You Give Your Custom Huntsville Garage?

There are plenty of ways to spice up your custom Huntsville garage. Start off with the flooring, as it is the foundation of the room. Sure, you can go with plain and simple concrete. It is durable and that is really all you need it for, right? Well, not exactly. Should you ever want to work on your vehicle, fix a bike, or start a project in that garage, the floor needs to be perfect. Since concrete is so durable, use it. However, use it properly. Add some color, put a sheen on it, and give your garage some personality. If you plan on needing to hose your garage out now and again, make sure before you put the new shiny flooring in, you have a drain installed.

Once you have the floor taken care of, consider what you may be using that garage for other than to cover your vehicles. Will you ever want to be in that garage to work on any projects? If so, then you may want to consider the weather. Add a heater to make sure the garage is warm enough in colder parts of the year, and a fan for the hot summer months. Do you like spending time in the garage? If so, then maybe add a television so that you have some background noise or a form of entertainment while out there. Make it a fun, usable space instead of one you just walk through.

Storage is something most garages get used for. If you plan on doing this, set it up for it now. It is a lot easier to set up a space for storage ahead of time, than it is to start storing stuff there then realize it is not set up right. Put shelving in the room so that your items are not on that floor. If you use a wall to partition off the storage, you can use the other side of that wall to hold your tools and other garage necessities.

Finally, if you want a garage you can truly utilize as a project space in your home, do not forget about adding in the perfect lighting. It is really important that you have good lighting, no matter what type of project you undertake out there. If you want to work on a car, rebuild a bike, create a new shelf, or just sit out there on a nice evening and watch the game, you need the right lighting.

We Can Help You Create the Custom Garage of Your Dreams

Think about how the space will be used, and have those features put in before you even move into the home. In this case, think about what type of plans you have for your garage, and make them possible while you have the rest of the house coming to fruition. Make sure every square inch of your dream home is exactly how you want it, including the garage.

Cardinal Custom Enterprises services include design, layout and total turnkey construction

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